For this adventure we parked up my Mazda at Brown's Landing, went home for breakfast, and then at a leisurely 9am~ish headed to Armitage Park. This Park, off the Coburg Road between Eugene and Coburg, has a great landing for boats to lauch, and is just west of the I5 bridge across the McKenzie.
Putting on the splashdeck is the worst part of preparation, requiring at least three hands or use of a knee as a clamp.
Phew, at last the splashdeck is on, paddle is ready, and everything loaded.
Using Beth's GPS for a rough guide. I'm not walking so it's more than 8.3 miles, but I'll be travelling faster than walking pace so I'll get there before 12:34, hopefully.
I try to keep my feet dry while getting in, but it's not very dignified. Fortunately nobody saw me except Beth, and the
Getting waterborne requires some joggling to shift the kayak forward, but at last I'm afloat.
Just to test the current I start off upriver...
paddling furiously to gain the bridge
and confusing Beth who tries to follow me upstream. As soon as I turn back downstream I am carried away, and this was Beth's last view of me for a few hours.
Looking under a footbridge, I spot some interesting lumps
closer inspection proving them to be House Martin nests, or whatever the USA footbridge version of a House Martin is.
slightly weird and alien-looking without evidence of the birds, but I know they are there.
Somehow I never recognised the point where the two rivers join. In fact they join twice, as there's an island between them, and I missed both spots. Nice view of the mountains though.
Various birds as usual, I think this was an Osprey.